Here's a quick list of our most frequently asked questions...

Customer Service

Contact Dickerson's Customer Service Department:
Email customerservice@dickerson-group.com
Phone 323-796-3005
Fax: 323-805-2901
Or download our Customer Service Care sheet.

Please make sure you have signed up. After you sign up you will receive a temporary password on the email you've provided. Please use your email and temporary password as you login. You will then need to change your password upon initial login.
Please email us at commissions@dickerson-group.com if you need additonal help
Your success is important – Dickerson Account Executives are here to help. If you don’t know who your dedicated sales team is, please call (800) 457-6116 and ask for Sales, or get in touch by email at sales@dickerson-group.com.
We can help! Please call us at (800) 457-6116 and ask for Dickerson's Renewal Department.

Forms Finder Questions

Contact your Dickerson Sales sales rep.
Register for our marketing portal here to access compliance documents and customizable marketing material.

General Questions

Absolutely. Not only should you be certified to sell on the exchange, you must also be appointed with each carrier at the time of application. Waiting to get appointed after a client enrolls means no commission, so it’s VERY important to get started immediately. We can help.
Click here to get appointed today!
Send an email request to quotes@dickerson-group.com.
Please refer to the quoting section of our website.


For small groups, typically the process takes 48 hours from the submission of complete documentation and forms to the new business team. Our case advocates will contact you with a list of missing items. Submitting complete information helps bypass the request for additional information. At this point, the carrier takes another 48 hours to a) approve, b) deny or c) request further information. Your Dickerson Account Executive is here to answer any questions you have. He/she can guide you to help avoid delays in processing your case.

Attention to detail is very important. Make sure all the necessary paperwork is attached.

Did you…

  • Include the DE9C or ownership documents?
  • Ensure the group meets the participation requirements of the carrier?
  • Enclose the initial premium check, ACH form or copy of the premium check, per the carrier guidelines?
  • Submit a completed Employer Application, including worker’s compensation information (if required)?
  • Submit completed Employee Applications, including Social Security #s for each employee and any dependents (if applicable)?


A registration link will be sent to you via email from Tipalti. This link is only active for 7 days. Please reach out to commissions@dickerson-group.com if your link is no longer active.
Click here to login to Tipalti. Tipalti uses your email address as your user name, and the password is something you selected. If you forgot your password, you can click the forgot password prompt. If you're having trouble signing in, contact commissions@dickerson-group.com


Our CE classes and webinars offer leading-edge industry information, based on feedback we have received from our brokers. Your input is always important. Please contact marketing@dickerson-group.com with your suggestions. We are always here to help you with marketing ideas.

Brokers praise Dickerson’s continuing education classes and webinars for being informative and timely. Seminar dates and registration links are listed in the Calendar section. Check your in-box for email blasts announcing upcoming CE opportunities in your area – Dickerson holds CE classes in several regions. Not yet on our distribution list? If you need to get on our list, or you have an address or email update, please contact us at marketing@dickerson-group.com.