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Protect Yourself From Heat
Dickerson News
Thursday, September 12 2024
(By Kaiser Permanente) When temperatures get uncomfortably high, you and your loved ones face an increased risk for heat-related illness. Fortunately, there are several tips you can use to help keep yourself cool and healthy during an intense heat wave.

Symptoms to look out for

The first step is to empower yourself by learning about how to spot a serious heat-related illness. By identifying heat reactions quickly, you’ll be better able to treat yourself and your loved ones.

Heat exhaustion: Symptoms include fatigue, headache, confusion, dizziness, cramping, and nausea.

Heatstroke: Symptoms include severe headache, rapid heartbeat, rapid/shallow breathing, seizures, vomiting, unconsciousness, and skin that is flushed, hot, and dry.

If you develop heatstroke symptoms, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital.

While these conditions would be serious for anyone, older adults, small children, and people with certain medical conditions are especially vulnerable.

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